Sunday, February 19, 2012

Saddle up

For Valentine's Day Claire got me new running shoes. I don't even want to show you a picture of my old ones because I'm too lazy to get my camera and plug it in and everything, but here's a picture of my new one from the interwebs that I just found. I'm loving them. I had to super-glue parts of the soles to my old ones several times just to keep going. This week I've gone running with Norah in the stroller a few times and it feels great. The weather out here is perfect in the mornings and I found a nice little path where Norah and I look for squirrels and rabbits and stuff. Norah just sits in her stroller and hums the whole time. Along with exercising, I've been trying to eat better (until Johnny and Scott ruined me the past couple of days with treats and soda) and overall, it's helped me feel much better. Claire has been making this homemade whole wheat bread and I've been loving every minute of it! Around Christmas time I weighed in at around 212. Now I'm at around 207-208. Also, I had my blood pressure read last week and it was back in the normal range. I'm hoping this next week I can eat a little less garbage and get at least 5 days of exercise. Also, a new rule that I think will be good will be nothing except fruits and vegetables after dinner on Monday-Thursday nights. I should probably make that every day of the week, but I just want to try this out first to see how I like it.

Here's my report for the week:

Monday - 0
Tuesday - 45 min (elliptical, pushups/situps/pullups)
Wednesday - 30 min (elliptical/pushups/situps/pullups)
Thursday - 45 min (running)
Friday - 45 min (running, pushups/situps/pullups)
Saturday - 30 min (hike)



  1. I'm not sure if I could handle a diet such as the one you are thinking about. I write this as I chow down a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich with Chicken in a Biscuit crackers (great combo btw).

  2. BTW - we wish we could've been there to visit too... but we figured having another 5 people to visit would've been overwhelming + my flight didn't get in till pretty late on Friday.

    Hope Johnny and Scotty didn't poison you too much.

  3. Yeah not sure how that diet's going to go. I like to eat around 11:00 or 12:00 every night and it's usually something like a sleeve of oreos and milk...

    As far as you guys not coming down to see us, I guess we understand... We're still pretty bitter though.
